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04-04-2012 2650 Views

BMZ is going to invest more than 1mln dollars to improve labor conditions in 2012

During last 7 years injury rate at OJSC «BMZ» decreased by 2 times. Positive dynamics was achieved mainly due to increase of investments into labor protection field. BMZ invested 1,3mln dollars for labor protection in 2011. Mentioned amount of investments will be significantly increased in 2012

Main areas of expenses in labor protection at the plant are: improvement of labor conditions, provision of protective closing and personal protection equipment, medical examinations, delivery of milk, provision of washing and neutralizing reagents, washing of protective closing.

Existing at OJSC “BMZ” system of material remuneration and deprivation motivates employees to observe rules, norms and instructions on labor protection. For instance, 1108 employees of the plant who observed mentioned above rules received material remuneration for the total amount of 90 mln rubles from the amount of money which was gained as a result of exaction of a penalty to violators of labor protection provisions.

According to statement of Deputy Chief Engineer for Labor Protection and Industrial Safety V.V. Efimenko, in the current year amount of investments for labor protection will be increased by two times and will constitute more than 1 mln dollars. Along with improvement of labor conditions in the work shops attention will be paid also to social sphere. For example, 122 thousand dollars will be spent for installation of air-conditioners in kitchens of nine kindergartens belonging to BMZ. As for production facilities significant amounts will be allocated for replacement of air-conditioners on bridge cranes and installation of heating facilities in a building of Scrap Processing Department of a scrap yard, replacement of windows in Package and Die Shop. In general, plan for accident prevention and labor conditions improvement for the year 2012 includes 98 different measures.