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08-07-2022 1000 Views

Visit of Ambassador of Kazakhstan

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Belarus Askar Beisenbayev paid a business visit to OJSC "BSW - management company of ‘BMC’ holding" on July 6th.


Zhlobin became the first industrial center within a working trip of the Head of Kazakh diplomatic mission to Gomel region. At a meeting with top managers of the plant, it was stated how and in what areas BSW cooperates with Kazakhstani partners in 2022.


- Within 6 months of this year, we have supplied steel products worth more than $12 million. To understand, this is 10 times the total volume for 2021! We also see prospects in supplies of wire rod. The first trial batches have already passed the examination, there are positive findings. We plan to reach industrial volumes, - Vladimir Chaus, Deputy General Director for Foreign Economic Relations, Sales and Management of Commodity Distribution Network, noted at the meeting.

Askar Beisenbaev visited production facilities and checked out the main types of products manufactured by BSW.

- BSW is a unique production. The team through their work was able to win a worthy place in the global economy. It creates innovative products and cooperates with many countries, including ours. Given the rapid industrial growth of Kazakhstan, I believe that ties with Belarus, in particular with the Byelorussian Steel Works, will be strengthened, - the Ambassador said when asked about the prospects for bilateral cooperation.

At the end of the visit, the Ambassador made some notes in the Book of honored guests of the plant.