
27-12-2018 998 Views

BSW invested in labor protection more than 1 million dollars

During the 10 months of 2018, the investments of OJSC“BSW - Management Company of “BMC” holding”, in ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for its employees amounted about $ 1.2 million dollars.


Throughout history, the Byelorussian Steel Works considers its professional team as a main worth, for this reason particular attention is paid to the issue of ensuring appropriate labor conditions for employees at the enterprise. The year 2018 was not an exception. Over January-October, 20 measures were implemented at BSW, they were aimed at improving of work conditions of plant workers.

For example, 7 new saturator installations for production workshops, two domestic block-modules with air conditioners for railway wagons cleaning area were purchased. Traditionally, the leading positions in the column of overall costs of BSW for labor protection are investments aimed at providing workers with uniform wear, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, as well as medical inspections and medicine providing. More than 800 thousand dollars were spent on these positions only.

It should be noted, that at BSW along with strict control over labor protection rules conformity the fund was created to reward employees for active participation and the best performance in this area. For 10 months of 2018 the sum, which was directed to reward of such workers, is amounted 58.9 thousand BYN.