
26-06-2019 1116 Views

Lithuanian delegation visited BSW

May 29: OJSC "BSW - management company of "BMC" holding" was visited by representatives of business circles from Lithuania. It was directed by ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Lithuania to the Republic of Belarus Andrius Pulokas.


The delegation also included Julius Glebovas (commercial attaché in the Lithuanian Embassy in the Republic of Belarus), Arunas Jankauskas (Baltic Shipping, CEO), Grigori Sabatin (chairman), Vytautas Štumbergas (general director at Klasco) and Igor Šulžickij (commercial director at Klasco), Arturas Gavedas (director of UAB “Prekybos namai BMZ-Baltija”) andEugenijus Antanaitis (head of sales dpt. in the company).


   The guests visited the museum at Byelorussian steel works, had a tour in steel melting and rolling shops. Next step was the meeting with BSW specialists; logistics services and increase of mutual turnover of the goods were talked over. Klasco (Klaipeda Stevedoring Company is the biggest and universal stevedore company in Klaipeda port) provided the whole  berth for BSW in the south part of the port in order to optimize logistics and storing time for BSW products. ManagementofBaltic Shipping alsointendstofurtherstrengthencollaboration. They have been forwarding steel products of BSW successfully for many years, bringing the product to customers and resolving any issues, which might occur while in transit.

   Lithuania is an old consumer of Byelorussian steel products. In 2018 only BSW exported more than 150 thou. t. of different types of rolled product, pipes, wire and fiber to this country to the mount of more than USD 80 mln.. Lithuanian share in BSW export last year was 6,6 per cent. In our turn, the plant imports raw materials and various components for equipment from this country.

   UAB “Prekybos namai BMZ-Baltija” presents interests of BSW in Lithuania.