
23-08-2019 908 Views

The milestone of 55 million tons of steel was passed at BSW

55 millionth ton of steel was melted in arc furnace melting shop No 1 of OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding on August 21. It took the plant nearly 35 years to produce such a volume of steel.

“Anniversary” ton was produced at electric arc furnace No 1 by team No 2 at 03.40 a.m. on August 21. The achievement of the milestone was possible thanks to coordinated work of the whole team and the results of the continuous technical re-equipment of the plant. By the way BSW invested almost a billion dollars in erection, reconstruction and modernization of existing production in 2013-2018. For the recent years careful attention has been paid to the main production – electric steelmaking.

    According to current data for the 7 months of 2019 more than 1.5 million tons of steel were melted that is for almost 12% more than during the same period of 2018.  

More than 83% of steel produced in rolling and steel cord and wire hops was exported to 63 countries of the world.    

     The first millionth ton of steel at BSW was produced in September 1986, in 2007 Zhlobin metallurgists crossed the line of 25 million tons, in 2017 - 50 million, and two years later 55 millionth ton of Belarusian steel was melted. It is important to note that the plant during its 35-year history has grown not only in volumes but also in quality and range of products: currently BSW can produce steel of about 650 grades. 26 of them were mastered this year. These steel grades are primarily intended for automobile industry and bearing manufacturing.