
19-03-2021 1260 Views

Minister of Industry and Agro-industrial complex of Eurasian Economic Commission visited BSW

On March, 18, Artak Kamalyan, member of the Board (Minister) of Industry and Agro-industrial complex of Eurasian Economic Commission visited OJSC “BSW — management company of “BMC” holding” within the framework of his visit to Belarus.


During the meeting with the management of BSW, EEC Minister discussed perspective areas for metallurgical industry development and problematic aspects of its functioning. After that, he got acquainted with the company's activities. Artak Kamalyanvisited steel-melting and rolling production shops.

– “Our goal is to understand how things are going with the provision of metal scrap in Belarus and, in particular, at its main specialized production — BSW," Artak Kamalyan said in a conversation with journalists.

 — “The fact is that over the past six months, our commission has been actively studying the topic of metal scrap supplies to Eurasian enterprises. Adoption of a plan that will allow carry out this process at an optimal level is being discussed”.


          It is worth noting that from the enterprises of the EEU member-countries, BSW actively cooperates with companies of the Russian Federation. Russia is an important supplier of basic raw materials and one of the largest consumers of Belarusian steel products.  So for the period January-February of the current year, BSW export to the Russian Federation exceeded 58 thousand tons, which is 8% more than in the same period in 2020. In monetary terms, exports to the Russian Federation exceeded $43 million, which is a third more than the same level in 2020. Sales growth is observed for such types of steel products as rebar, structural rolled products, steel wire and steel cord.

During the days that A.K. Kamalyan will spend in Belarus, he is also going to visit OJSC “MTW”, CJSC “BELGEE” and JSC “BelAZ”.