Archiv news

21-09-2011 2435 Views

Supplier evaluation audit

During 12.09.11 – 16.09.11 supplier evaluation audit of RUE “BSW” for compliance with requirements of international standard ISO/TS 16949:2009 was conducted by representatives of such companies as OOO UK «TATNEFT-NEFTEHIM», OOO «NTTS Kama», OAO «Nizhnekamskshina» (hardware production consumers).

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13-09-2011 2656 Views

For CIS prize nomination

At the end of August assessors of the competition for CIS prize “For achievements in the sphere of production and services quality“ whose aim was to define the actual level of the plant excellence, worked at Byelorussian Steel Works

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06-09-2011 2380 Views

Commodity distribution network

Recent meeting with traders about BMZ products realization made to look at the activity of our commodity distribution network in new way

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18-08-2011 2717 Views

From the first source

It’s a pity, but we must again return to the topic of financial and economic situation at our enterprise. Some informational sources publish incorrect information about the situation at our plant. Because of it RUE “BMZ” is discredited in the eyes of partners and clients all over the world and such situation influences the enterprise image

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04-08-2011 2542 Views

Forthcoming export bidding

Byelorussian Steel Works takes part in export bidding of metal products by means of online site of concern "BELNEFTEHIM" .

Export bidding will be held from 15.08.2011 to 19.08.2011.


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