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03-05-2012 2580 Views

BMZ opened own electronic trade area

In accordance with strategy of the development of commodity distribution network starting from May 2012 the procedure of sales will be changed for the following material: concast billets, concast blooms, hot rolled debars, cold-rolled debars, nail wire, wire BP-1.

The export sales of the above mentioned products will be effected through electronic trade area of OJSC «BMZ». The electronic trade area is placed on our web-site in the sector «For the buyer».

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09-04-2012 2808 Views

Record-breaking amount of steel produced at BSW

Record breaking amount of steel was produced at BSW. The highest steel production figure was reached in the history of OJSC 'BSW’. The results of March show that the melt shops of the enterprise

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05-04-2012 2870 Views

The best suppliers of 2011 announced at BSW

The 2nd International conference of suppliers took place at Byelorussian Steel Works on April 4-5. This year the number of participants increased considerably: if about 90 business partners

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04-04-2012 2650 Views

BMZ is going to invest more than 1mln dollars to improve labor conditions in 2012

During last 7 years injury rate at OJSC «BMZ» decreased by 2 times. Positive dynamics was achieved mainly due to increase of investments into labor protection field. BMZ invested 1,3mln dollars for labor protection in 2011. Mentioned amount of investments will be significantly increased in 2012

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16-03-2012 2590 Views

Meet own requirements

Byelorussian Steel Works has started the construction of one more ( third) lime kiln to provide the needs of steel making production in terms of capacity of 3 millon tonnes of steel per year.

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