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29-07-2011 2608 Views

Firsthand officially

Dear colleagues and business partners !

Inadequate information about RUE BMZ has appeared in mass media, global network and other sources recently which damages BMZ image before foreign and local partners. Below you will find reliable information about BMZ operation during 6 months of 2011.

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15-07-2011 2583 Views

BMZ as a destination point for investors

Last Thursday the First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Republic V.I.Semashko, the Industry Minister D.S.Katerinich, the executive committee of Gomel region deputy chairman B.K.Pirshtuk

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07-06-2011 2505 Views

Forthcoming export bidding

Byelorussian Steel Works takes part in export bidding of metal products by means of online site of concern "BELNEFTEHIM"

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19-05-2011 4433 Views

«The Best 2010 Supplier» of Eaton Hydraulics Corporation

An International Conference of Suppliers and award ceremony “The Beast 2010 Supplier” were arranged at Eaton European Headquarters in Morgen, Switzerland on April, 13. Byelorussian Steel Works and Belmet, Austria and BKS, USA were awarded as

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04-05-2011 2414 Views

BMZ starts metal products online bidding.

Byelorussian Steel Works takes part in advertised export bidding of metal products by means of online site of concern "BELNEFTEHIM" - Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise "Byelorussian Oil Trading House".

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